Saturday, May 30, 2009

God bless the trees Mrs Brashear

Last night was the wedding of my dear sweet friend, Emily Boozer- now Emily Brashear. She asked me to help her celebrate this moment in her life by being a bridesmaid in her wedding- a very new experience for me. I have never been in a wedding party, in fact, had just a sliver of a wedding myself, and really didnt understand everything that went into it.
It really was a beautiful evening for an outdoor wedding, which took place in a beautiful backyard garden in Edmond Oklahoma.
I stood with aching feet in my strappy heals, praying to God that my little black dress would stay up, that my skirt would stay down( no worries there, the wind was scarce) and that the sweat running down my spine and between my breasts would not be noticeable to the crowd as I tried to stand as still as a statue dispite the tiny evening nats flying around my face, my back, up my skirt........

and I was humbled and blessed in that moment to listen to a very sweaty Pastor Kurt( or was it Craig?)(I had just met Emily and Tim's Pastor the night before at the rehearsal dinner) talk about love, marriage, commitment, encouragement, forgiveness, trust,........... support.
Suddenly, it was laid out very clear to me in his speech my purpose for being there. To pray for my friend and her new husband, to encourage them to stay united and focused on Christ, to be a support to her as she walked down the road of life with Tim.
Deep down in my heart I knew these things... but until that moment I couldnt manage to be them much more than skin deep. So I was humbled... and prayed ferverently to God for a heart so full of love and support for Emily and Tim that it could not help but to spill out and over into action.
To Emily and Tim- I wish you many, many years of love, laughter, joy, .... and most of all, harmony in Christ.
Last night really was an amazing night!!! Thank you for letting me be a part of it.

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